Talk:Unkillable Monster

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Possible references to past characters

Sometimes I dream Im an exterminating angel
a traveling executioner from heaven
sent to give you the prettiest death i know
call the grave and make our reservations.

--Disassociative 10:19, 16 May 2009 (UTC)

While I understand that this can also represent Dita and the separation, I am reminded of the Alpha, alien/angel sent to bear witness to the world's end as it would seem. Is this reference to an "exterminating angel" a reference to alpha? Furthermore, is the girl in question; the portrayal of Coma White?

Also, the reference to dreaming reminds me alot of, "And I dreamed I was a space man" from Great Big White World. Before anyone answers, I am not saying that this album is an added part to the tryptich. I merely think that parts of this album fill in bits of the story that might've been missed or may be unknown until the completion of the "Holywood" Novel.

Also, does anyone remember the animated gifs manson gave us on the official forums during the MA period. I am referencing one in particular where the animation says, "Coma Lives. We Die". I will find this on my hard drive and upload it.